Download Gratis Photoshop CS2 Resmi

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Software Photoshop CS2 membawa tingkatan baru di jamannya, penuh presisi dan kontrol untuk pengalaman fotografi digital dan proses kreatif secara keseluruhan. Photoshop CS2 mengintegrasikan set yang bermanfaat sepanjang jaman, termasuk kesempurnaam Spot Healing Brush, untuk menangani masalah fotografi umum seperti noda, mata merah, kebisingan, blur dan distorsi lensa.

Windows Serial number : 1045-1412-5685-1654-6343-1431
Mac OS X Serial number : 1045-0410-5403-3188-5429-0639

Menanggapi permintaan dari film, siaran dan video yang profesional, Photoshop CS2 sekarang memungkinkan editing non-destruktif dan penciptaan dan pengeditan Dynamic Range (HDR) gambar Tinggi 32-Bit, ideal untuk render 3D dan compositing canggih.

Kamera baru Raw 3.0 alur kerja memungkinkan pengaturan beberapa file baku yang akan secara bersamaan dimodifikasi. Selain pengolahan batch file mentah, JPEG, TIFF, dng atau format PSD, kini bisa dilakukan di latar belakang tanpa meluncurkan Photoshop executable utama. Terpadu, non-destruktif tanam dan meluruskan kontrol memungkinkan file mentah untuk dapat dengan mudah disiapkan untuk hasil akhir.

Selengkapnya anda bisa ikuti link ini untuk mendapatkan softwarenya.

The Power to Create the Extraordinary

  • Adobe Bridge— The next-generation File Browser for Photoshop CS2.
  • Vanishing Point— Groundbreaking ability to clone, paint and transform in the perspective of your images.
  • Image Warp— Warp any object, with customizable presets and adjustable control points.
  • Noise Reduction— Advanced correction of noise created in high-ISO shooting, plus JPEG artifact reduction.
  • 32-bit HDR— Create and edit 32-bit, High Dynamic Range images, for the widest range and richest detail.
  • Spot Healing Brush— Fast, efficient one-click retouching of dust, scratches and other image flaws.
  • One-Click Red Eye Correction— Instantly eradicate this common photo flaw.
  • Optical Lens Correction— Correct common lens issues like barrel and pincushion distortion.
  • Animation— Easily create animated Web graphics directly in Photoshop CS2.
  • Smart Sharpen— Intelligently counteract common photo blurring with advanced control.
  • Shadow/Highlight— Simple discrete adjustment of shadows and highlights, now also for CMYK images.
  • Enhanced 16-bit Editing— Additional filters, such as Liquify, are now available for use in 16-bit images.
BACA:  15 Tools Terbaik Membuat Animasi Video Sendiri

Creation Acceleration

  • Smart Objects— Non-destructive editing and transformations, including Illustrator CS2 integration.
  • Multiple Layer Control with Smart Guides— Faster, more intuitive editing without using the Layers palette.
  • Multi-Image Camera Raw— Process multiple raw images while you continue to work in Photoshop CS2.
  • Video Preview— Send an instant preview of video-destined images to an external monitor.
  • WYSIWYG Font menus— Preview typefaces visually, right in the Font menu.
  • Printing Enhancements— New options enable more efficient, consistent print output.
  • All-New PDF Engine— Comprehensive, customizable presets and PDF 1.6/Acrobat 7.0 compatibility.
  • Enhanced Memory Use— Devote more than 2 GB of RAM to Photoshop CS2 for optimum performance.
  • Powerful Design Process Management— Easier versioning & collaboration with the new Adobe Version Cue®.
  • Integrated Adobe Online Services— Access and download professional Adobe Stock Photos and share and print online with Adobe Photoshop Services.

Adaptability — Making Photoshop CS2 Your Own

  • Menu Customization— Workflow-based presets and custom-defined menu sets, with color-keyed commands.
  • Enhanced Automation— New actions and scripts facilitating batch image processing and film & video production.
  • Variables— Streamline creation of repetitive graphics using imported spreadsheet data.
  • Event-Based Scripting— Expand your efficiency with commands triggered at specific points in your workflow


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